Daughters' Prayers

Listed below are the prayers found in the National Handbook of The Order of the Daughters of the King®.

The Prayer of The Order

O Eternal Father, You have sent us Your Son to teach us things pertaining to Your heavenly Kingdom. Give Your blessing to our Order wherever it may be throughout the world. Grant that we, Your Daughters, ever may discern Your truth and bear the cross through the battles of our earthly life. Give us strength to overcome temptation and the grace to work to spread Your Kingdom and to gather Your scattered sheep within Your fold. Pour out upon us the sevenfold gift of the Holy Spirit that we may always remember it is Your work we are called to do, that all we think, do or say may be pleasing in Your sight. We ask it all For His Sake, our King and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Help Us to Pray

Almighty God, help us to pray so faithfully that we may draw near to You and learn Your will. Help us to serve so joyfully that others may be drawn to You. May your Holy Spirit guide us each day, that all we think, do, or say may be acceptable to You. We ask all for the sake of Him whose cross we wear, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Almighty and everlasting God, in whom we live and move and have our being, we here dedicate our whole being to You and Your service in faith and joy and love. In this dedication we pray that You will confirm and strengthen us, O merciful God, that as we grow in age we may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our King, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

A Morning Prayer

O blessed Jesus, whom to know is everlasting life and who did walk through the lanes and fields of Galilee with Your disciples, go forth with us this day as we go about our tasks and duties. Go before us in welcome, be with us in fellowship along the way and as we pass by, remain in the hearts of those we touch, for You are the beginning and the end, the same yesterday, today and forever, our Lord and Savior. Amen. 

For the Life of Prayer

O God of peace, You have taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved and in quiet and confidence shall be our strength; we pray that by the might of your spirit you will lift us to Your presence where we may be still and know that You are God. Amen.

For Faithfulness in Service

O Lord, Jesus Christ, head of the mystical body of the church of which we are members, cleanse our eyes to see You, quicken our ears to hear You, open our lips to show forth Your praise, give our hands skill to do Your bidding, and make our feet swift to go where You guide, that Your Kingdom may come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, all for Your dear sake. Amen.

For Evangelism

O Lord, lead us, teach us and help us to make a constant effort in our own lives to present Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit in such ways that other persons may be led to believe in Him as Savior and follow Him as Lord within the fellowship of the Church. Amen.

For Moral Courage

Heavenly Father, You know the weakness and cowardliness of my heart. You know how much I care for the opinion of others. Help me, I beseech You, to care more for what is well pleasing in Your sight. Make me strong and courageous that I may never be afraid to do my duty. Give me grace and courage to speak when and as I should. Let me never shrink from my duty through the fear of others. Let the love of Jesus fill my heart that in His strength I may be strong. Give me the constant guidance and assistance of the Holy Spirit. I ask all in the name and for the sake of Your dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

For Thanksgiving

Heavenly Father, from whose hand comes every good and perfect gift, we give thanks for Your kindness to us and to all people. With grateful hearts we praise You for the gift of life, health and strength, for our vocation to prayer and service and for the opportunity each day of ministering in Christ’s name and for making His way known throughout the world. Enable us to express our thanksgiving by a rededication of ourselves to the advancement of Your glory, the up-building of Your church and the extension of Your Kingdom. We ask in Christ’s name. Amen.

For Members of The Order

O Lord Jesus, who in Your tender and great humility came down from heaven to be born of a woman, help the Daughters of the King to follow the example of your blessed mother. Help us to be strong in spirit, modest and gentle in conduct, truthful, unselfish and obedient to Your Holy will, that, radiant with Your love, we may win many to You and be blessed by You, to whom with the Father and Holy Spirit be praise and glory forever. Amen.

For Daughters At Large

O Eternal Father, through your Spirit you unite us as Daughters wherever we may be. We ask You to comfort, console, strengthen and guide us, especially remembering the Daughters at Large. Help us to know our oneness with all Daughters. Keep us fervent in our prayers, service and fellowship with others. We ask it all For His Sake, our King and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

For a Junior Directress

Almighty God we thank You for our Junior Directress, whose devotion to you leads her in this call to follow You. May You fill her with grace and love to do the work You have given her to do. Enfold and enrich her in her relationship with You, O Lord, that she be filled with Your wisdom, compassion, love, hope, understanding and patience so that she can be a daily reflection of You to those You have entrusted to her. This we pray in the blessed name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

For Junior Daughters

Most merciful Father, You have entrusted us with the well-being, guidance and leadership of these Your Junior Daughters. Grant us, we pray You, the vision to guide them by our example in the way You will have them go. Help their lives to be a reflection of your Holy Spirit, give them the strength to resist temptation and to meet with grace and dignity the challenges they will face in their daily lives. Equip them with the necessary tools to go out into the world and spread Your love. Let Your church be for them a safe harbor, a place of refuge and renewal. Bless them with the gift of a willing and compassionate heart for all Your people. We ask this all For His Sake and in the blessed name of our King and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

For Absent Members

Blessed Lord Jesus, we commend to Your loving care and protection all those who are unable to be with us. Grant, we pray, that in our common nearness to you we may realize our fellowship with one another. Keep them mindful to pray for us as we pray for them, so that we may all labor effectively for the advancement of Your Kingdom, O Lord, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.

For Members Who are Ill

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers, mercifully accept our prayer and grant to N., a member of our (Chapter), the help of your power, that her sickness may be turned to health and our sorrow to joy, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Healing

Our Heavenly Father, by whose loving kindness and mercy our souls and bodies are renewed, look upon Your children for whom we pray. Knowing You are interested in personal needs, we bring to Your altar those who are perplexed or afraid, as we ask You to take away fear; those who face physical suffering, as we ask You to give them courage to endure; those who seem burdened with indecision, as we ask you to lift the pall of confusion. We also bring those who are lonely, for whom we ask companionship. We ask guidance and comfort for those to whom death has brought sorrow and despair.

Renew the strength of those who care for the sick and the lame, so their ministry can reflect Your glory and give joy and a sense of holy contentment to those who are steadfast. Heal all of our infirmities according to Your holy will and in Your holy wisdom. We give thanks to You through service to Him who brings the fullness of life to all believers, in His Name and For His Sake, our King and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

For a Daughter Who has Died

Dear Heavenly Father, we bless You for all those who have departed this life in your faith and fear, especially Your Daughter, our sister, N., who worked to fulfill Your will on earth through prayer and service in The Order. May her faith and example inspire other women and girls to greater and more faithful labor for You. Grant the light of Your presence and the glory of the life beyond to be her great and everlasting reward. Amen.

For Our Parish

Almighty and everlasting God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayer for this parish family; strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, restore the penitent. Impart a passion for the accomplishment of Your will and purpose. Grant to our parish all things necessary for our common life and inspire us to pray and labor diligently for the extension of your Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Our Missionaries

Almighty and everlasting God who governs all things in heaven and earth, we commend to Your fatherly care all whom you have called to take part in the missionary work of your church. We pray that You will watch over all missionaries. Defend them from all dangers of soul and body, give Your angels charge concerning them and let your Holy Spirit rule in their hearts and prosper their work to the glory of Your Holy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For the National Council

Heavenly Father, bless the members of our National Council as they strive to perform their responsibilities to The Order. We pray believing that the sense of Your presence will strengthen them for the tasks and decisions placed before them. They acknowledge you as the Master of their lives.

Take their lips and speak through them, take their hearts and set them afire to do Your will, and take their hands to serve wherever called in His Name and For His Sake. Amen.

For the Mission and Outreach Fund

O God, who makes the church the messenger of your Gospel, accept this gift of Your Daughters to speed Your message to the whole world and to enable Your love to be the portion of all, through Jesus Christ, our Lord and King. Amen.

For the Ministry Education Fund

O heavenly Father, Lord of the harvest, we pray You to send forth laborers into your field. Fit and prepare them by your grace for their work in Your church. Give them the spirit of power and of love and a sound mind and grant that both by their lives and by their doctrine they may show forth Your glory and advance the salvation of all, For His Sake, our Lord and Master. Amen.

For the Endowment Fund

Almighty God, giver of all gifts, we thank you for all the generous gifts given to the Endowment Fund in thanksgiving, honor and remembrance by members and friends of The Order. Guide us in the wise use of these funds that our work will be to the honor and glory of Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

For the Junior Daughters Fund

O Lord Jesus, you said that when we welcome your children we welcome You. Assist us in our work of guiding Your children. Touch the hearts of your people so they will equip us with the gifts that we need to further Your love with our Juniors. Enable us to work in Your service and for Your sake. Amen.

Prayer of Confession

Eternal God, you created me in Your image to live in harmony with all creation, but I have strayed from Your laws and commandments. My sins against my neighbors have brought disharmony into Your kingdom. My silence does not witness to Your love. I pray, God have mercy on me and forgive my transgressions. I will be restored by Your grace to live life in peace and to the honor and glory of Your holy Name. Amen.

Prayer for Clergy

Almighty God, we lift up your servant, N., Rector/Vicar in your church; give him/her grace to nurture your people that we may grow in the knowledge and love of your Son, Jesus Christ. We pray that he/she might be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and that his/her life be an example of righteousness and wholeness. May his/her family know the fullness of joy from his/her faithful loving heart and may he/she know the nearness of God always. Amen.

Prayer for a Bishop

Almighty God, receive our prayers on behalf of N., a Bishop in Your church. We beseech You to so immerse him/her in your Holy Spirit that he/she will be washed clean and made ready in Your sight to administer Your saving health to this church. Fill him/her with abundant love, truth, understanding, forgiveness, clarity of purpose and a heart of mercy. And give to us, as we commit our spiritual well-being to Bishop N’s care, hearts filled with love, trust, and peace. Help us, Your people, to live as Your redeemed and beloved. We ask it all in the name of your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.