The Flame
A Publication of the Order of the Daughters of the King
Diocesan Assembly of Central Florida
First Quarter 2025
President’s Message
Dear Sisters in Christ,
I pray you are having a blessed start to 2025! Our recent Diocesan Assembly meeting held at the Church of The Messiah was spiritually uplifting and joyous for all who attended! Thank you, Deacon Angela Lopez and Daughters, at Church of The Messiah for a perfect day. And, thank you Fr. Andrew and Christin for sharing “a C.S. Lewis twist on our theme, “Faithful Daughters Growing in His Light.”
Our focus for 2024-2027, is GROWTH – Spiritually and in Membership. We want to grow with women of all ages and to specifically reach out to women of younger generations. Our Theme is so important in this growth. As WE grow in His Light, we open our hearts and minds to allow the Light of Christ in so that we can shine His Light to all others as we answer the call to serve.
Together, let us strive to be in a loving relationship with God, ourselves and each other. And, if our light is “dimming”, let us encourage each other, lovingly, to take a pause, get still and quiet with our Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to lift our spirits to enable the Light to shine brighter through us. Together, we can serve in ways we never imagined! Together we will grow! With God, the possibilities are endless!
“The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.” Isaiah 60:19
FHS & Love,
[email protected]
770-597-7454 call or text
Membership Report
AS OF 1.14.2025
Senior Daughters (Chapter Affiliated) 873
Senior Daughters at Large 50
Junior Daughters 27
Mark Your Calendars for Spring Retreat
May 10th – All Saints, Winter Park
The Diocesan Assembly of Central Florida held its “Faithful Daughters Growing in His Light in the New Year” meeting on January 18th at Church of the Messiah, Winter Garden. Fr. Andrew Lazo, Chaplain and Christin Ditchfield Lazo, Corresponding Secretary were the special speakers providing presentations on CS Lewis in the morning and the afternoon on “Faith and Faithfulness” and “Growing in God’s Light.” Holy Eucharist was officiated by DOK Chaplain Andrew Lazo and Nancy Oliver spoke about her prison ministry, our 2025 Outreach Project prior to the collection being taken. Donna Burns provided a devotional moment in the afternoon.
A reflection from Laura Buckner, this year’s recipient of the Bishop’s Cross, Messiah Chapter, Church of the Messiah, Winter Garden.
My Year with the Bishop’s Cross
National DOK President, Jane Searcy visited the Diocese of Central Florida on December 13th and met for a “fireside chat” with the Diocesan Assembly Board at the Cathedral of St. Luke in Orlando. She shared her faith journey and her vision for the next three years of her term as National President.
The theme for the next Triennial is “Be Thou My Vision.” Jane talked about “Just Be” who you are and whose you are. Just be a Daughter:
LIVE with all your being!
LOVE with all your soul!
LAUGH with great gusto!
LISTEN with the ear of your heart!
Saint Valentine’s Day is not a public holiday in any country, although it is an official feast day in the Anglican Communion and the Lutheran Church.
Saint Valentine
Saint Valentine was persecuted as a Christian and interrogated by Roman Emperor Claudius II in person. Claudius was impressed by Valentine and had a discussion with him, attempting to get him to convert to Roman paganism in order to save his life. Valentine refused and tried to convert Claudius to Christianity instead. Because of this, he was executed. Before his execution, he is reported to have performed a miracle by healing Julia, the blind daughter of his jailer Asterius. The jailer’s daughter and his forty-six-member household, family members and servants, came to believe in Jesus and were Baptized.
Ash Wednesday is a holy day of prayer and fasting in many Western Christian denominations. It is preceded by Shrove Tuesday and marks the first day of Lent, the six weeks of penitence before Easter.
Ash Wednesday is observed by Catholics, Lutherans, Moravians, Anglicans, and United Protestants, as well as by some churches in Reformed, and Presbyterian churches, Baptist, Methodist and Nazarene traditions.
Ash Wednesday is traditionally observed with fasting and abstinence from meat in several Christian denominations. As it is the first day of Lent, many Christians begin Ash Wednesday by marking a Lenten calendar, praying a Lenten daily devotional, and making a Lenten sacrifice that they will not partake of until the arrival of Eastertide.
Many Christians attend special Ash Wednesday church services at which churchgoers receive ash on their foreheads or the top of their heads, as the wearing of ashes was a sign of repentance in biblical times. Ash Wednesday derives its name from this practice, in which the placement of ashes is accompanied by the words, “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” or the dictum “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. The ashes are prepared by burning palm leaves from the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebrations.
Our Father, in this sacred season of Lent, we humbly come before You, seeking Your boundless mercy and forgiveness. Cleanse our hearts of sin and guide us on the path of repentance.
Help us to forgive others as You forgive us, and may our souls be renewed in Your grace.
Strengthen our resolve to grow closer to You. Amen.
Ash Wednesday Collects:
Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Almighty God, you have created us out of the dust of the earth: Grant that these ashes may be to us a sign of our mortality and penitence, that we may remember that it is only by your gracious gift that we are given everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. (Book of Common Prayer)
Epiphany Luncheon at St. Michael the Archangel Chapter, St. Augustine’s, Vero Beach
On January 6th, the St. Michael the Archangel Chapter, St. Augustine’s, Vero Beach held an Epiphany luncheon in the Parish Hall. There was delicious food, wonderful fellowship, and lots of laughter.
St. Martha & Mary Chapter, St. James, Ormond Beach Admits New Daughter
St. Martha & Mary Chapter, St. James, Ormond Beach admitted Chloe Snell as their newest Daughter. Chloe wrote Reflections on being a Daughter during her discernment that you might find inspirational. Click on link to read.
Reflections by Chloe Snell
St. Luke & St. Rita Chapter, Holy Child, Ormond Beach Welcomes New Daughter
In conjunction with their annual celebration of Corporate Communion on Sunday, November 3rd, St. Ann and St. Rita Chapter of Church of the Holy Child in Ormond Beach was pleased to welcome new Daughter Pauline Diller. The Service of Admission was officiated by Fr. James Giles.
St. Peter the Fisherman Chapter, St. Peter the Fisherman, New Smyrna Beach Celebrates Past Officers
St. Peter the Fisherman had a DOK picnic the first weekend in November to show their appreciation for the hard work and dedication of their past officers. It was a wonderful time of fellowship.
St. Paul Chapter, St. Paul’s, Winter Haven Providing Needed Services for Their Church
The Daughters prepared visitor gift bags for adults and children, which are available at all services. Bags for adults feature faith-based items including coffee mugs, bookmarks, pens and others; holiday-themed gifts during Christmas, Easter and other occasions; and printed materials about St. Paul’s and its ministries including DOK and Stephen Ministries.
Children’s bags feature gifts that are appropriate for toddlers up to age 11. All gifts and packaging materials are donated by members of DOK.
Pictured are the adult gift bags before stuffing along with six of the 13 DOK members.
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St. Stephen’s Chapter, St. George, The Villages Hosts Advent Reception
The St. Stephen Chapter (St. George, The Villages) held a special Advent Reception following the 10 am service on Sunday, December 8th. The theme was “the journey to Bethlehem” with a map of Mary and Joseph’s trek. Attendees were given a manger ornament to enjoy.
L to R: Margaret Beeching, Nancy Hurst, Marcie Fairbanks, Tamra Wilson Setser, Pat Knecht, and Audra Strolin.
St. Stephen’s Chapter, St. George, The Villages Celebrates Former Organist and Music Director
As part of its commitment to service, The St. Stephen’s Chapter, St. George, The Villages hosted a reception for former St. George organist and choir director Dr. André Lash following his concert at the church on November 10th.
Deacon Colleen Rutherford and Deacon. Nancy Bryson.
L – R: Dorothy Corbett, Ruth Delp, and Pat Knecht.
St. Gabriel’s Daughters, Titusville Prepared Gift Bags for Prison Ministry
St. Gabriel Daughters, Titusville, FL and Parishioners put together gift bags for inmates at the Brevard County jail while Deacon Nancy Oliver shared stories of her work with them. The gift bags were distributed to the men on December 18th.
Juanita Bintemire (blue & white plaid top) and Billie Fitzgerald (red jacket) are their newest Daughters, admitted on Christ the King Sunday, November 24th.
September 28 thru October 3, 2025
Camp McDowell, Nauvoo, AL
Updated Documents
Calendar for 2025
Contact Information for Officers and Appointed Board Members
Please send all DOK information and photos for future issues of THE FLAME to:
[email protected]